Friday, June 17, 2011

I want to go Strapless! ! !

Now get your minds out of the gutter! ! !

I started my fitness/workout/running journey in late February 2011.  I bought some shoes, then bought some better shoes, got some warm clothes to run in and the hubs talked me into a HRM.  I ended up with a Polar FT40.  I thought it was wonderful the couple of times I wore it.  Then the new wore off and I began to hate it.  I couldn't stand the strap.  All I could focus on was that strap around my chest.  I put it up under my bra strap thinking that would make it seem more natural.  I've worn a bra since I was 12 so wearing a bra is pretty natural to me.  I guess I probably only wore it 4 or 5 times, 6 tops.  I wear the watch a lot but not as a HRM.  So, needless to say I have a lot of money tied up in a "watch".

Well, the other day, I was reading through my google reader and saw that a blog I follow is giving away a HRM from sportline. Part of the entry requirements was to go to the website and tell what you learned.  All I can say is I was floating.  They have really pretty pink ones, cool white ones and some that actually look like a real watch.  And the best part, the coolest ones (at least in my opinion) are the ones without the chest strap.

So needless to say, I have listed my Polar FT40 with the flowlink on ebay and as soon as it's sold I'm buying one of those strapless HRM's.  I can't wait. :-)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

100 miles!

Woo Hoo! ! !  I'm so excited.  I've finally hit the 100 mile mark on dailymile.  I joined and logged my first run on March 25th and have had the 100 mile mark as a goal ever since.

I keep reading other blogs and always take a look at their dailymile gadget.  Some of them are absolutely incredible.  Some of you out there actually run 100 miles in a week, OMG!

Well, since I've completed this goal I've decided the next one will be running a 100 miles in a month. That should take me a while but I'm one of those people who needs a goal to always push towards.

Do you have a running goal you would like to share?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

ugh! lessons learned :-(

Have you ever had one of those moments??

Lesson #1
There's no telling how many opportunities I've missed due to my inexperience.  I'm a newbie to the blog world.  I started my first blog and started reading other blogs in Jan 2011.  I've been entering giveaways for several months now.  Most bloggers require a follow as part of the giveaway.  So I click the follow button and sit back and wait for my name to be published as the winner.  I check my google reader feed a couple of times a day since it's on my igoogle site.  Nothing,.... I've won nothing (well, keep reading on to lesson #2) All this time I thought when I followed someone their blog updates would show up in my google reader.  Wrong! ! !  Lesson #1 was learned today when I was clicking through the blogger site.  I have to actually add the blogs to my subscription or go to blogger and read the updates.  Oh well, I know now, right?

Lesson #2
Not all giveaways are really giveaways.  I was contacted through my gmail address that I was the winner of a Merrell  Paceglove giveaway on the Running and Rambling  blog.  I was sooooo excited.  I'm also a new runner and have heard so much about the minimalistic running trend and have been wondering how to transition from traditional shoes without spending a fortune on gear.  I sent my contact info like requested and that's the last I heard from him or her.  Three weeks later, I still haven't heard anything from the Merrell rep or from the owner of the blog.  Now I don't really blame Merrell but I'm a little disappointed with  Running and Rambling.  Oh well, lessons learned. :-(