Monday, May 2, 2011

My first 5K

Last weekend my hubby and I participated in our first ever 5k race, and the whole experience was amazing.
The morning of the race the weather was horrible!  Pouring rain! ! !  I have never run in the rain, sprinkles yes but not full blown rain.  On the way to the race check in we discussed my goal for a finishing time.  Given the weather conditions I knew better than to expect my training time of 34 min so I added ten min and wished to finish under 44.  My official finishing place was 241 out of over 600 and my time was 42:11.  Not bad with all that was going against me that day.  I'll do better on the next one.  I have a PR that I could beat walking :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen -

    You won my Merrell Barefoot contest, but I haven't heard from you yet. E-mail me at to claim it, or I'll give it to someone else next week.

